Hi, I'm Louis Petrides

Welcome to my YouTube MasterClass

I built this program for three reasons. 1. The people I worked with were interested in how I was able to build multiple sources of income outside of work. (As a Head of Marketing) 2. I love seeing people get results from information I give them. 3. The belief that people should feel the freedom of income security if times get hard and work isn't there.
YouTube MasterClass

I'm not a guru or anything like that. Why would I attach my name, industry credibility or professional career to this if I didn't believe in it?

There's a massive misconception about the world of YouTube. Most people believe they need to get 100k+ subscribers to generate income with Ads. I'm here to flip that on its head.

Fact 1:

Viewers are about intent and purchasing power, not volume. Would you rather have 1 million views from children or 1000 professionals? If you said Children, great, make a funny cat video. This is not for you. If you said the 1000 adults with buying power, I'll teach you the step-by-step process on how to find your niche, create, approach companies and sell products through affiliate marketing generating passive income 24/7 – 365 days a year.

If you're passionate about anything? Cooking, Knitting, Music, Accounting? This program teaches you how to find your niche, and create content companies love.

Fact 2:

YouTube is owned by Google, and Google controls the internet because everyone searches on it. This means YouTube is the best place to create content because Google promotes YouTube videos above Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and everyone else.

Have a look at this example image. I enjoy Marketing, so I created a video on a video tool I've been using for years. With my experience, I'm actually beating the real company in the Google search rank. Without showing my face at all.

The way I make money from YouTube is like this.

1. Approach the Marketing Manager / Director of the company with a specific script or join existing affiliate programs. The former works better though.

2. They build an affiliate program for you. (You are generally their first affiliate because of this — it means it gives you time to rank in Google + YouTube before anyone else joins)

3. Create content using a specific process that gives honest feedback, and specific selling techniques to make people click your link.

4. Once someone clicks and buy. You get a % commission between 20% - 40%.

5. Now imagine 50+ videos ranking and earning you passive income 24/7.

That's what we teach at the Online Creator Institute.

Fact 3:

This YouTube MasterClass took me 3 months to put together, with over 12 hours of content. I've trained over 300 professionals and made it easy to understand by anyone willing to put in the work.

It's built with everything I know about YouTube, even the mindset required to stick to the proven process.

Take a look at the course curriculum below and give the free preview a go.

To be honest, I don't mind if you invest in this or not. That's your decision, but I have one guarantee.

If you do nothing, nothing will happen. And if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll get the same results.

Create a free account, give it a go, then invest if you like it or not. Simple. 

The price will increase in the coming days. 

Happy learning.

Louis Petrides <(My professional profile)

Learn the way that best suits you

Online e-learning platform

When you join the YouTube MasterClass, you get access to our e-learning platform. We provide the 21 day training in multiple formats so you can learn the way that best suits you. Watch the training videos in HD video. Access the training online from any desktop or mobile device anywhere in the world anytime you like.

Course curriculum

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